२७ फाल्गुण २०८१, मंगलबार

Laxminiya Youth Club  is the first Youth club of Jahada Gaupalika established in Asadh 20, 2075 BS with the initiation of a group of youth and representatives from Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) working in various fields of youth development and their development and right use in the country.
It is generally called LYC in short which is an Youth NGOs working in social, environmental and youth volunteer sector in Jahada Rular Municipality, Morang, Nepal, and is registered with the Chief District Office Morang, Government of Nepal as a non-profit making and non-political Non-Governmental Organization as per the Organization Registration Act of 2034 B.S. (1978). It is also affiliated to the rular Municipality. .
Laxminiya Youth Club is now working to promote the aims, values and principles of Youth Volunteer and coordinate, activate and foster inter NGOs relationships working for youth development by providing them linkage for different development throughout the kingdom.

A world of hope, kindness and positive action where every person has the opportunity to live a healthy and productive life. To be an end-to-end community based solutions provider in the areas of sports, education, health and sustainable agriculture & livelihood and support for vulnerable communities.
1. Where they become responsible citizens of well led nations. Where peace and justice reign and all have the right to contribute.
2. Where they become responsible citizens of well led nations. Where peace and justice reign and all have the right to contribute.
3. Where they flourish in a world where the treasure of our hearts and the measure of our wealth is the happiness and well-being of all youngster.
To catalyze ongoing positive transformation in the lives of people, especially disadvantaged children, youth and women through equitable opportunity and inclusive development eff orts. To enable peoples’ collectives and movements encompassing diverse segments, to pledge their particular strengths, working in partnership to secure, protect and honor the rights of children.
1. Transformational Development that is community-based and sustainable, focused especially on the needs of children.
2. Public Awareness that leads to informed understanding, giving, involvement and prayer.
The purpose of the Club shall be as follows: –
(1) This Club shall be a non-profit non-profit organization.
(2) To make the appropriate opportunities, services and facilities available under the Club for the physical, mental and intellectual development by proper mobilization of available resources and resources as per the need, including sports facilities, healthcare facilities, healthy environmental improvement, library operation and other functions of community interest as appropriate. Provide public participation by arrangement.
(3) This club shall not be motivated by political motives.

विभिन्न स्रोत तथा साधनको उचित परिचालन तथा सदुपययोग गरी समुदयको शारीरिक, मानसिक तथा बौद्धिक विकासको लागि सुअवसर तथा सुविधाको व्यवस्था गर्न र मानवहरु बीच आपसी सम्पर्कद्वारा परस्पर सहयोग तथा सेवाको भावना अभिवृद्धि गरी राष्ट्र निर्माणको लागि सदैव योगदान गर्न मन, वचन र कर्मले अभिप्रेरित भई जहदा गाउँपालिका निवासी समाजसेवीहरु द्वारा यो क्लब स्थापना भएको हो । नेपाल एक विविध जाती, धर्म एवं सास्कृतिको सम्मिश्रण भएको हिमाली अधिराज्य हो । जहाका जनताहरु देशको विकट स्थान र क्षेत्रहरुमा विविध समस्याहरु लिएर बस्न बाध्य भएको र ति समस्याको निराकरण सरकारी तवरबाट मात्र हुन नसक्ने भएकोले गर्दा विद्यमान यावत् समस्याको निराकरण गर्ने साथै समाजसेवा, खेलकुद, विकास, भाषा, साहित्य कला र सास्कृतिको जगेर्ना गरी चेतनशील, शिक्षित र देशको समुन्नतिमा योगदान पुर्याउने समाजको निर्माण गर्न सरकारी निकाय तथा राष्ट्रिय एवं अनतराष्ट्रिय गैरसरकारी संस्थाहरुसंग सहकार्य गरी देशको विकाशमा टेवा पुर्याउने उद्देश्य राखी विशुद्ध गैरसरकारी संस्थाको रुपमा लक्ष्मिनिया युवा क्लबको स्थापना गरी सो क्लबको उद्देश्य कार्यक्रम र कार्यदिशा यसै अनुरुप हुने गरी “LYC को चाहना शिक्षित,सचेत,समृद्ध र बिकसित जहदाको कामना ” भन्ने मुलमन्त्र राखी यो लक्ष्मिनिया युवा क्लबको विधान २०७५ जारी गरिएको छ ।

क्लबको उद्देश्य :
क्लबको उद्देश्य निम्न बमोजिम हुनेछ :–
(१) यो क्लब मुनाफारहित जनहितकारी संस्था हुनेछ ।
(२) प्राप्त स्रोत तथा साधनको उचित परिचालन गरी शारीरिक, मानसिक तथा बौद्धिक विकासका लागी क्लब अन्तर्गत उचित अवसर, सेवा तथा सुविधा सुलभ रुपमा उपलब्ध गराउन आवश्यकतानुसार खेलकुद सुविधा, स्वास्योपचार सुविधा, स्वास्थ वातावरणिय सुधार, पुस्तकालय संचालन लगायत सामुदायिक हितका अन्य कार्य समेतको यथाशक्य उचित व्यवस्था गरी जन सहभागिता जुटाउने ।
(३) यो क्लब राजनीतिक उद्देश्यबाट अभिप्रेरित हुने छैन ।

Contact Us

    • Laxminiya Yuwa Club (LYC)

Head Office : Jahada5, Majhare, Morang

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